Mara Clements
Trash/Flaunt the Dress | Lancaster, PA
I really love shooting weddings, don’t get me wrong. But what I typically dislike about wedding days are how time-crunched and quick you have to move on your feet with creativity. You really have to think on your feet fast and work with your surroundings. This is why weddings can be so stressful for the photographer. However, there are those bridal shoots I’m lucky to do a couple times per year where time is not an issue and I can be as creative as I want. The only time you’re racing against is light.
Mara is a friend of ours who we attended Eastern University with in St. Davids, PA. She since married her best friend, Shane, and they moved to downtown Lancaster, Pa and have two adorable sons. Mara was feeling like her wedding dress was collecting dust and didn’t have a use for it anymore. So she thought, “I don’t have any girls, so I’m not going to pass the dress on. Why don’t I wear it one last time, get all dolled up, and completely destroy it?” These are questions that more brides should ask themselves. We love Trash the Dress shoots and typically they end up being a cross between a Flaunt the Dress and Trash the Dress shoot which is even better. So Mara, who is a professional organizer, threw out her predicament on FB offering her services in exchange for a photo shoot. Naturally, the very disorganized and messy Smiths jumped right on this idea.
So we booked the shoot, and got a brand new organized basement out of the deal! Thanks for your awesome skills and time, Mara! Here are some of our favorites from your Trash the Dress/Flaunt the Dress shoot.